Rc. No. K2/3514/13 Dt.25-04-2013 Transfer and postings by Counseling to the posts of Teachers in TW Ashram Schools, Tribal Welfare, Primary Schools (Erstwhile GVVK Schools) and posts of HW Officer in TW Hostels in Tribal Welfare Dept
- Last date for receipt of transfer application. 4-5-2013
- Publication of draft list of vacancies and merit list of applicants in the Notice Board of PO/DTWO office after receipt of objections/ suggestions.: 6-5-2013
- Preparation and Scrutiny of category: 8-5-2013
- Publication of final list of applicants, merit-list category-wise.: 10-5-2013
- Counseling date and issue of transfer orders.: 13-4-2013
- Last date to join in the new station (Place of posting) : 15-5-2013
- 1. The application form for transfer enclosed shall be circulated to all institutions, in the offices of Project Offices and Dist. Tribal Welfare Offices and wide publicity shall be given regarding transfer and it shall be displayed on notice board. All Teachers Associations/Hostel Welfare Officers associations should be informed.
- 2. A receipt shall be given to the applicants acknowledging the receipt of application.
- 3. The application received shall be computerized.
- 4. The list of applicants that applied for the transfer will be arranged in the descending order, applicants with highest entitlement points at the top.
- 5. The list shall be prepared category-wise, subject wise and medium wise and shall be displayed on the notice board.
- 6. Transfer shall be considered only for clear vacant posts subject to requirement of each Ashram School / Hostels.
- 7. The Deputy Directors (TW) are requested to restrict the transfers to the extent of Agency area for S.T Teachers/HWOs to the Agency area vacancies only and the transfers of teachers/HWOs working in plain area are to be restricted to the plain area vacancies. Further, the Non – Tribal teachers/HWOs working in the agency are to be transferred to plain areas as per their seniority and vacancy positions.
Tribal Welfare Department Service Rules